The Practical Implementation of Quick Response presented by a Turkish National Arzu Ensari
22 February 2016The Practical Implementation of Quick Response presented by a Turkish National Arzu Ensari.
On 22 February 2016 the KZN CTC hosted Arzu Ensari. She is the former senior regional sourcing director of George at ASDA.
Arzu presented a series of workshops on the responsibilities of different value chain actors in implementing QR. Arzu has also merchandised for ESPRIT, Liz Clairborne and NIKE during her career. The various sessions held were:
Running a QR Design House
The role of CMTS and Manufacturers in achieving QR
The role of textile manufacturers (weaving, knitting, dyeing, printing and finishing) in achieving QR
The event was a success and well attended by member firms of the KZNCTC.