24 JULY 2018

The KZN CTC hosted an innovation session at Hesto Harnesses, a multi-award winning automotive firm. Hesto assembles and supplies automotive harnesses.

Similar to the CTFL industry, their production process is labour intensive, requiring the firm to be cognisant employee engagement.


Hesto Harnesses has been able to foster an environment of continuous improvement within their factory through empowering their workforce. Their successful “Bright ideas” initiative encourages employees to put forward ideas and suggestions for improvement. Hesto Harnesses will give insight into the practical implementation, business impact and sustained success of this initiative.

In addition to this, the firm presented on their supplier development initiatives, an aspect of the business which has become increasingly relevant within our industry.

The agenda included:



Introduction to Hesto Harnesses


Hesto Harnesses’ continuous improvement culture and supplier development


Factory Tour

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