Executive Training Session - South Africa in 2030: The Latest Scenarios

6 March 2018

As part of the World Class Manufacturing programme, the KZN CTC offers Executive Training Sessions. These sessions are themed according to the dominant strategic issues facing the industry. The first session of 2018 looks at current economic trends and the implications for manufacturers. This session will be presented by Dr Frans Cronje, a renowned Scenario Planner and CEO of the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR).

In this session he delved into an analysis of the current growth, investment, employment, education and policy trends, to name a few, focused specifically on the implications for manufacturers. He unfolded four possible scenarios for South Africa’s next decade which will prove particularly valuable for manufacturing firms with long investment horizons. The session concluded with a discussion regarding markers that indicate which scenario is unfolding and the major social, economic, and political trends that evolve under the scenarios.

This session aimed to reduce uncertainty as the scenarios give participants advance warnings of future political and economic shifts and allow them to introduce responses that capitalise on positive future events and navigate effectively around negative ones.

The programme included:


South Africa in 2030: The Latest Scenarios

Dr Frans Cronje (Chief Executive Officer – South African Institute of Race Relations)



Questions and Answers

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