Cost Optimisation Strategies

09 July 2020

Our recent working group session took place between the Cape Clothing and Textile Cluster, the KZN Clothing and Textile Cluster, The Foschini Group Textile Cluster and the eThekwini Furniture Cluster to discuss best-practice cost optimisation strategies.

We were joined by Dizani Consulting, a Lean consulting firm working closely with Luomo Atlantis Manufacturing via the CCTC. Luomo is in the midst of a productivity and cost optimisation drive started just before the pandemic and continue to see improvements despite the ongoing disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Their approach offered key learnings for firms looking to ‘re-set’ and implement Lean to boost productivity while waging a war on waste. 

Our second speaker, Durban Overall is a member of the KZN CTC and shared their experiences in implementing and sustaining a long term waste reduction programme, saving millions of rand a year. Durban Overall’s experience offers insight into the mind-set shift and management necessary to optimise costs long term.

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